There are 4 facts. You will not have a complete balanced body without adhering to these four components. A proper food regimen, cardiovascular training, strength conditioning training, and core training.

Learn how to set realistic fitness goals and discover the secrets of fitness success. Avoid fitness sabotage, failure, get more tips and information on fitness goals with CS21 Fitness programs. One of the very best things you can do is to set goals. It’s important to set concrete goals. You are developing a goal date and a goal weight with our programs. Goalsetting will help you reach your absolute potential and help you to look and feel great. Set short term and long term goals, and then do what you have to do to make it happen.

Meal Prep
Food prep is the key to your fitness success. Stay ready so you don't have to get ready!

Online Training
Text, email, phone support, nutritional guidance. Affordable monthly packages!

Custom Workouts
Weight loss, firm and tone, lean muscle gain, glutes (booty) building and competition prep.

Carlos and Sacha are fitness enthusiasts. They both are passionate about a healthy lifestyle. Carlos has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years. He is Certified as a super master trainer by ISSA AFAA and IFPA he currently owns a gym in Atlanta Georgia, Ultimate Bodies by Carlos. CARLOS is also one of the biggest natural competitive promoters in Atlanta Georgia area which features bodybuilders bikini contestants physique and figure contestants. He has also competed as a Natural competitor bodybuilder so he’s really knowledgeable about nutrition.

If you are a newbie and just starting, you may not know the name of many of my exercise routines. Follow a simple yet effective program to get started on your fitness journey. This ideal plan is right for you.

You’ve been working out for over three months, and you are ready to step up your commitment and routine. You may have worked out in the past, but you may have taken a few years off, as this happens when life gets in the way. Our intermediate-level workout is the ideal program to get you back in shape.
You have been working out consistently for years; you may have plateaued. You may want to set a new goal that pushes you to the next level if you want a new challenge, more creative workouts, and, more importantly, sustainable lifestyle workouts.
What do I get when I enroll in CS21 fitness online program?
1. When you enroll and are ready to start your workout, you get immediate access to your online coaches
2. We offer a ten-week program with exercises completely changing every three weeks.
3. You will need access to a gym that has dumbbells; or barbells and arm bands in your house
4. You will be sent a meal plan according to your goals via email
5. Once you enroll, you access the CS21 private Facebook page. You get support via email, text, or phone call.
Cheetah Baby